
Thursday 29 December 2011

2011 - A Review

Fireworks over Sydney Harbour [via]
For some reason I always am surprised when it comes to the end of the year. It seems as though the year went by so fast, and yet it takes as long as it always does! In the past New Years Eve (NYE) has been a big deal, and unfortunately it is often a let down when it doesn't live up to the hype. This year our celebration will be a fairly quiet one (hanging out at my sister's), but should still be quite fun. 

Usually on NYE just before the countdown to midnight I quickly take stock of the past year, without much proper time to reflect. So I thought I would put a bit more effort in this time, and I'm glad I did because I remembered some cool things. 

For me, 2011 was a year of NEW...

  • Husband and I moved into a new place in January
  • I learned plenty of new things in my 3rd year of my PhD - such as that saliva is a biohazard(!), and I made some new PhD friends 
  • Visited new places: I spoke at a conference in NEW York City (which was a definite highlight of the year - would love to go back to the US ASAP)
  • Newborns: 2 good friends had babies and another will be having one very early next year
  • Newlyweds: my 1 year wedding anniversary with my husband was in October
  • New (soon-to-be) brother: My sister got engaged (and I am excited that I've been asked to be the maid of honour)
  • New Activities: started running (on and off, but lately ON), and of course this blog (and twitter and pinterest)! 
  • New cooking disasters (hopefully these are one-off disasters, and I don't make the same mistakes again!)
  • New favourite costume: zombie! 
  • New Items: new car, new lip piercing, iPad, new little camera (one of my Christmas presents from Husband - major brownie points there)  
Also, probably most importantly this year I've tried to have a new outlook: This year I've tried to be less resistant to change, and more thankful for my circumstances (even bad ones). As a result I've been calmer and felt more peace (not all the time though - still a work in progress!). 

Overall, it's been an excellent year, and I've been very blessed. I don't know for sure what next year will bring (though I'm sure hoping it will include a completed thesis), but if it's even slightly close to being as good as this year has been, I'm cool with that.

Here are some of my goals for next year (I'm not going to call them resolutions, but you can if you want):
  • Publish papers and finish that Thesis!
  • Line up job for the following year (if I have finished uni)
  • Cross off some 30 before 30 items (especially get drivers licence and finish PhD)
  • Continue running and finish C25K program
  • Save $$ for next big trip (travelling to the USA has been pushed back due to several weddings next year we'd like to stay in Australia for, but we're still hoping to go fairly soon)

Happy New Year! [source]
Also I'd just like to say a big thanks to everyone who's been regularly reading my blog this year, I really appreciate it. This blog has given me the opportunity to meet some cool people online! I hope you have an exciting NYE (that does live up to hype) and have a super happy new year.

What have been some highlights of 2011 for you? What are you doing to celebrate on New Years Eve? Do you have any goals (or resolutions) for next year? Please share in the comments.


  1. Happy New Year Lozzie and dont worry I am sure that the Thesis will be done before the year is over!

  2. Hope 2012 is as good for you as 2011 was! I was matron of honour twice in 2011- loved it!

  3. Looks like a lot of great things happened in 2011! May this year be even more amazing!!!

    Before continuing to go back in time with your posts, happy belated 2012!!!


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