
Saturday 13 August 2011

The time I almost died.

Jess over at Insignficant, Yet Important is currently doing a series on near-death experiences, and she kindly invited me to talk about mine, in which I nearly drowned in the ocean. This event is the reason that 'swim at the beach' is on my 30 before 30 list. One day I hope I can get back in the water without freaking out!

The post is obviously not overly science-y, or silly, for that matter. However it is a little bit spouse-y (new word and spoiler alert), so check it out if you're interested. 



  1. New follower from the Sunday link up. I like what I see! I just got married and finished my Master's. Ugh. School is the PITS!

  2. Stopped by from FTLOB. I love your blog title. It could sum up my life. I'm going over to check out your guest post too. Happy Sunday!

  3. Popping from FTLOB! Will head over to the other post to check out the story. Love the 30 before 30 list. Good luck. Just keep swimming. ;)

  4. Hi stopping by from FTLOB! saw your guest post... wow, I can only imagine the feelings you went through.
    I have only slightly felt the power of the waves, and you must have gone through ten times more than that.
    Liked the part of you getting married. Nice ending.

  5. I'm a beach girl at heart. But even though I am a beach bum, the ocean frightens me...mostly because I can't swim. -laughs- I'll go in but only up to my ankles.


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