
Wednesday 11 May 2011

WTH Wednesdays

I've decided to have a new theme for Wednesday entitled What-the-Hell Wednesdays (Note the H, not F as I'm trying to keep this PG people)! Basically it involves me posting something weird which made me think... WTH?

So here is the first one, which I first noticed over here. My favourite part is the random alien going past every now and then. Oh and the flying, of course. The only thing I can say about the Hoff here is - at least he tried.



  1. What?! Why are there superimposed wiener dogs? Why did he fly out of a cake? Why is he gyrating? This is awesome. I can't wait until next wednesday.

    You Are My Favorite

  2. What a crazy clip!!! Love this feature idea :) Even if it is pg :)

    xx Cat brideblu

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  4. Ah, yes, spreading the Hasselhoff love :)

    I still find this video a wee bit frightening because it's so hard to tell if the guy is joking or actually making a serious effort to entertain. Either way, it looks as if he didn't spend much money in the process, so I guess it's all good.


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